dijous, 21 d’octubre del 2010

A day trip in Montserrat

On Monday 7th of October some people who take part in the Comenius project went to Montserrat’s abbey to interview the director of the monastery, Pare Damià.
The students, who went there, met each other in the high school at 8:00am and we headed toward Montserrat. In the middle of the line, Jordi and Queralt caught the cable railway to film the incredible aerial views of the abbey.
When we arrived there we filmed the landscape with it respective scripts. At 10.45am we went in to the library where the librarian showed us some historical documents, such as the “Llibre Vermell” and a poetic collection about Montserrat.
After that, we met Pare Damià who, in a very friendly way, answered all our questions. We decided to go to Montserrat because the topic of the interview was the Catalan like a minority language and Montserrat have a lot of ancient Catalan documents.
When we finished the interview, we went to see how the Montserrat’s choir sang, next we filmed how Jordi bought a typical flat sponge cake and finally we filmed the farewell and we went home.

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